There’s a revolution going on.
Are you a part of it?
For over 25 years we have.
There’s a revolution going on.
are you a part of it?
For over 25 years we have…
Our business has been helping to nurture health and wellbeing in the workplace since 1991.
A corporate care revolution?
Wellbeing and Productivity walk hand in hand.
People are talking…
A developing awareness…
Improved wellbeing = Improved outcomes
for everyone.
Did you know?
Calls to the Samaritans reached a record high of 5.7 million in 2016. The social cost for society, families and the country is significant and often unseen and unreported.
Samaritans 2017
GP’s say 65% of all appointments have a stress related cause

At least one in six workers experiences common mental health problems, including anxiety and depression. Our research shows work is the biggest cause of stress in people’s lives, more so than debt or financial problems.
Mind 2017
“Work related stress accounts for 37% of work related ill health and 45% of days lost in 2015/16”
Paul Buckley, HSE 2017

The predominant causes of work related stress are workload (particularly tight deadlines), lack of support, bullying and change.
ONS Labour force survey & HSE
Stress is not just a work issue
It is a social issue that affects work.
Organisations can play a big part in solving the problem, and helping their bottom line.
Organisations can play a big part in solving the problem, and helping their bottom line.
How happy people are at work, their levels of wellbeing, directly affects the quality of their work, their productivity, and the bottom line for the company.
Andrew Oswald
Professor of Economics and Behavioural Science
University of Warwick
Pressure is affecting productivity.
Promoting wellness in the work place may yield
a much greater return on investment than previously anticipated
Promoting wellness in the work place may yield
a much greater return on investment than previously anticipated
let us help you achieve your goals
A Health and Wellbeing revolution?
Developing mental fitness is the big opportunity for businesses and organisations.
We all have
Mental Health
Mental Health
We all have
Physical Health
Physical Health
“I really love the sentiment that we don’t need to be mentally ill, to want to work on improving our mental fitness! (likened to physical health).”
Participant feedback from a very recent
All in the Mind workshop
We all have
Mental Health
Mental Health
We all have
Physical Health
Physical Health
“I really love the sentiment that we don’t need to be mentally ill, to want to work on improving our mental fitness! (likened to physical health).”
Participant feedback from a very recent
All in the Mind workshop

A conversation.
An equivalence.
An equivalence.
Our work involves encouraging the conversation, promoting an understanding…
We can improve our mental fitness
as we can improve physical fitness.
This is a key component of a modern approach to developing wellness at work.
A conversation has begun that is encouraging this equivalence in perception …
Dr Vikram Patel FMedSci
A workplace revolution?
The workplace environment is changing. Has changed. Will continue to change.
Our business has been running for 25 years.
Helping people and organisations.
We’ve seen the change.
The growing demands upon people at work. At all levels.
And the impact on productivity and lifestyles.
Helping people and organisations.
We’ve seen the change.
The growing demands upon people at work. At all levels.
And the impact on productivity and lifestyles.
In the last decade knowledge has leapt forward.
Research and discovery of depth and breadth.
And an evidence base of success has emerged.
Leading to a new understanding of how
to develop wellness in the workplace
Research and discovery of depth and breadth.
And an evidence base of success has emerged.
Leading to a new understanding of how
to develop wellness in the workplace
We’d like to share this knowledge with you.
We’ve learnt new ways to help people.
And organisations.
Neuroplasticity is changing everything
We’d like to share these solutions with you.
We’ve learnt new ways to help people.
And organisations.
Neuroplasticity is changing everything
We’d like to share these solutions with you.
Over the last 25 years

There has been a revolution in our
understanding of the importance of
nurturing the environment on Planet Earth
understanding of the importance of
nurturing the environment on Planet Earth
Over the next 25 years

There will be a revolution in our
understanding of the importance of
nurturing the environment in the Workplace
understanding of the importance of
nurturing the environment in the Workplace
So what do we do?
Wellness and Productivity walk hand in hand.
We help to nurture both through…
Join the Revolution!
Explore these solutions with us
Explore these solutions with us